

  • 博士,爱丁堡大学
  • 邓迪大学理学硕士
  • 斯特林大学理学士





我出生在伦敦. 4岁时,我决定成为一名生物学家. 到4岁零1周时, 我想成为一名宇航员, 一个消防员,甚至一个清洁工(垃圾收集者).

Eventually I emerged from years in grammar school and with degrees from universities in Scotland. 在80年代末, I chose to pursue an opportunity to conduct research in insect development at the University of North Carolina.

In 1993, 我来到了萨斯奎哈纳, where I was able to further indulge my love of teaching undergraduates. 然而, it did not take long for me to get the itch to travel again and I co-developed a precursor to the Global Opportunities (GO) Short Program, 它今天仍以Focus Australia的名义运作.

我一向喜欢冒险, 当过跳伞运动员, 一个滑雪, 一个登山者和一个潜水者, as well as running marathons at least until my knees rebelled. These interests led me to develop a course in exercise and extreme physiology that in turn led to a new GO-Short program based around high-altitude trekking with the Sherpa people in the Himalayas.

I believe that only by being exposed to and challenged by other cultures can we understand and manage the myriad problems facing humanity. 事实上, 最近尼泊尔发生地震, students who had traveled there with me in 2014 organized a fundraising and awareness campaign that demonstrated this facet of the GO experience at SU admirably.

E -邮件: richard@bhmingliang.com
网络: http://facstaff.bhmingliang.com/r/richard/


  • 1987年,英国爱丁堡大学. Ph.D. 动物学
  • 1981—1982年英国邓迪大学. M.Sc. 分析生物化学
  • 1977—1981年,英国斯特林大学. B.Sc(荣誉). 生物/生物化学辅修


  • 2012年,还是现在. 文理学院副院长. 浩博体育app
  • 2004年,还是现在. 生物学教授. 浩博体育app
  • 2000 -­‐2004. 生物学副教授. 浩博体育app
  • 1993-­‐2000. 生物学助理教授. 浩博体育app
  • 1991-­‐1993. 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校教官
  • 1987—1993年博士后研究助理. 教堂山北卡罗来纳大学
  • 1983-­‐1987 Research Assistant Edinburgh University, UK
  • 1982—1983年英国邓迪大学研究助理


  • 1999/2001/2003/2005/2007/2009/2001/2012/2014/2015. Focus Australia GO项目总监
  • 2013年夏尔巴人生活文化GO项目总监
  • 1999-­‐2012. 澳大利亚的生物问题. 研讨会课程
  • 1994- 2015细胞与有机体生物学. 讲座/实验室
  • 2001—2012运动与极限生理学. 讲座/实验室
  • 2002年至2014年新生研讨会
  • 1998/2000人体生理学讲座/实验室
  • 1994—2011年动物生理学讲座/实验室
  • 1994- 2011细胞生物学,讲座/实验室
  • 1993—2013年本科生科研项目. 导师(75人)
  • 1993年生物学导论,讲师. UNC - CH应承担的
  • 1991—‐93动物生理学. 教练. 教堂山北卡罗来纳大学
  • 1990-­‐93 Undergraduate research projects Co-­‐supervisor. (3)学生. 教堂山北卡罗来纳大学


  • 2009-­‐2012: Speaker of the 教师: 浩博体育app
  • 2009/2012 External reviewer Misericordia 生物学 Department
  • 2001-­‐2007. 主持:浩博体育app生物系
  • 2000-­‐2006. Voting member of 浩博体育app Board of Directors
  • 1996年,还是现在. 多个大学委员会
  • 1994. Panel member: Human and Animal 生物学: Developmental and Reproductive 生物学 study section, NASA生命和生物医学科学与应用
  • 1994- 96美国国立卫生研究院. 热带医学. 研究小组成员:
  • Reviews for Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 昆虫生理学杂志, 欧洲昆虫学杂志, 科学, 美国国家科学院院刊, 昆虫生理学档案, 昆虫分子生物学与生物化学, 遗传学杂志


  • 2002年NIH R15 AREA基金. $127,609. 主要负责人
  • 2001年NSF设备拨款129,552美元. 共同-主要研究者
  • 2000约翰C. Horn Award for distinguished scholarship and service to 浩博体育app
  • 1996年NIH R15 AREA基金. $106,104. 主要负责人
  • 1996年浩博体育app研究基金. $5000. 主要负责人
  • 1994年浩博体育app研究基金. 5000美元首席研究员


蒙次W.R.A. 和理查德·D.S. (1982) Photomechanical movements in the trout retina following brief flashes of light. 视觉研究,22529 - 530.
理查德,维.S.贝蒂,K.A. 和科德克.A. (1983) Toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms from Scottish freshwaters. 环境科学与技术,4,377—382.
理查德,维.S. 桑德斯,维.S. (1986) In vitro activation of prothoracic glands from diapause and non-­‐diapause destined Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Calliphora vicina. 昆虫神经化学与神经生理学. Eds. Borkovec,.B. > D.B. Humana出版社,343- 346页.
理查德,维.S.桑德斯D.S.伊根V. 汤姆森,R.C.K. (1986) The timing of larval wandering and puparium formation in the flesh-­‐fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma. 昆虫学报,11,53- 60.*
理查德,维.S.沃伦,我.T.桑德斯D.S. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1987) Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres in diapause and non-­‐diapause destined larvae and pupae of Sarcophaga argyrostoma. J. 昆虫生理学,33,115- 122.
理查德,维.S. 桑德斯,维.S. (1987) Prothoracic gland function in diapause and non-­‐diapause destined Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Calliphora vicina. J. 昆虫生理学,33,385—392.
桑德斯,D.S.肯尼,N.A.P. 和理查德·D.S. (1988) The blowfly, Calliphora vicina: Some problems in photoperiodism and diapause endocrinology. In, Endocrinological Frontiers in Physiological Insect Ecology. Eds. Sehnal F.Zabza,. Denlinger,维.L. 弗罗茨瓦夫技术大学出版社,弗罗茨瓦夫. pp, 293-­‐308.
理查德,维.S.Applebaum,年代.W.纵割机T.J.贝克F.C.D,斯库利.A.路透社C.C. 亨利克先生,V.C. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1989) Juvenile hormone biosynthesis in vitro by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster: A putative new juvenile hormone in the higher Diptera. 美国国家科学院院刊. 86, 1421-­‐1425
理查德,维.S.Applebaum,年代.W. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1989) Developmental regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster. J. 比较生理学B. 159,383-­‐387.
理查德,维.S.Applebaum,年代.W. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1990) Allatostatic regulation of juvenile hormone production in vitro by ring glands of Drosophila melanogaster. 分子与细胞内分泌学. 68, 153-­‐161.
Altaratz, M.西格尔,维.理查德·D.S.吉尔伯特L.I. Applebaum,年代.W. (1990) Juvenile hormone production by wild type and apterous4 mutant Drosophila melanogaster corpora allata in vitro. 《浩博体育app》,1989. Eds. A.B. 博尔科维奇和E.P. Masler. 人类出版社,333—‐336页.
桑德斯,D.S.理查德·D.S. Applebaum,年代.W.妈,米. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1990) Photoperiodic diapause in Drosophila melanogaster: A block to the juvenile hormone regulation of ovarian maturation. 普通与比较内分泌学. 79,174-­‐184.
贝克,F.C.路透社C.C.蔡,我.W.有斑纹的P.A.理查德·D.S.托比,年代.S. D和斯库利.A. (1990) Use of microderviatization techniques in combination with thin-­‐layer chromatography, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-­‐mass spectrometry for investigation of juvenile hormones and related compounds. In, Chromatography and isolation of insect hormones and pheromones. Eds. McCaffery,.R. 威尔逊,我.D. 全会出版社,纽约,第19—‐30页.
Altaratz, M.西格尔,维.理查德·D.S.吉尔伯特L.I. Applebaum,年代.W. (1991) Regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-­‐type and apterous mutant Drosophila. 分子与细胞内分泌学. 81,205-­‐216.
理查德,维.S. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1991) Reversible juvenile hormone inhibition of ecdysteroid and juvenile hormone synthesis by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster. Experientia. 47,1063-­‐1066.
吉尔伯特,L.I. 和理查德·D.S. (1991)黑腹果蝇的幼年激素. Am. 化学. Soc. 腹肌tr. 人民行动党. 202, 1-­‐2.
西格尔,维.Altaratz,米.理查德·D.S.吉尔伯特L.I. Applebaum,年代.W. (1991) Developmental regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-­‐type and apterous mutant Drosophila melanogaster. Phytoparasitica, 19岁,4. 333-­‐334
纵割机,T.J.沃伦,我.L.理查德·D.S. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1992) A new Drosophila mutant with novel effects on ecdysteroid-­‐regulated development. 腹肌. ecdyone Workshop. p71.
肯尼,N.A.P.理查德·D.S.布拉德利,H.K. 桑德斯,维.S. (1992) Photoperiodic sensitivity and diapause induction during ovarian, embryonic and larval development of the flesh fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma. 生物科学杂志.
理查德,维.S. Arnim,.E. 吉尔伯特,L。.I. * (1993) A reappraisal of the hormonal regulation of larval fat body histolysis in female Drosophila melanogaster. Experientia. 49,150-­‐156. *
理查德,维.S.沃特金斯,N.L.塞拉芬,R.B.和吉尔伯特·L.I. (1998) Ecdysteroids regulate yolk protein uptake by Drosophila melanogaster oocytes. 昆虫生理学杂志. 44,637-­‐644*
理查德,维.S.吉尔伯特,米.床,B. Hollinshead D.M. Schelble,年代. Scheswohl,维. (2001) Yolk protein endocytosis by oocytes in Drosophila melanogaster: immunofluorescent localization of clathrin, 适应蛋白和蛋黄蛋白受体. 昆虫生理学杂志. 47/7,715-­‐723.
大卫·S·理查德.詹妮弗·M. 迈克尔·琼斯. 《浩博体育app网站》,史黛西·瑟鲁拉,J. Paul Detweiler, Stephen J. 达纳·费雪. 布兰尼根,丹妮尔. Scheswohl. (2001) Vitellogenesis in diapausing and mutant Drosophila melanogaster; further evidence for the relative roles of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones. 昆虫生理学杂志. 47/8,905-­‐913.
理查德,维.S.Rybczynski, R.威尔逊,T。.G.王,Y.韦恩,米.L.周,Y.Kroll T.R.鹧鸪,L. L Harshman表示,.G. (2005) Insulin signaling is necessary for vitellogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster irrespective of the roles of juvenile hormone and ecdysteroids.. 昆虫生理学杂志. 51/4 455-­‐464.
理查德,维.S. (2012)喜马拉雅山上的金丝雀. 《浩博体育app网站》客座博客. 2012年1月20日. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-­‐blog/2012/01/20/the-­‐canary-­‐in-­‐the-­‐himalayas/
Plus numerous conference presentations and invited seminars


我出生在伦敦. 4岁时,我决定成为一名生物学家. 到4岁零1周时, 我想成为一名宇航员, 一个消防员,甚至一个清洁工(垃圾收集者).

Eventually I emerged from years in grammar school and with degrees from universities in Scotland. 在80年代末, I chose to pursue an opportunity to conduct research in insect development at the University of North Carolina.

In 1993, 我来到了萨斯奎哈纳, where I was able to further indulge my love of teaching undergraduates. 然而, it did not take long for me to get the itch to travel again and I co-developed a precursor to the Global Opportunities (GO) Short Program, 它今天仍以Focus Australia的名义运作.

我一向喜欢冒险, 当过跳伞运动员, 一个滑雪, 一个登山者和一个潜水者, as well as running marathons at least until my knees rebelled. These interests led me to develop a course in exercise and extreme physiology that in turn led to a new GO-Short program based around high-altitude trekking with the Sherpa people in the Himalayas.

I believe that only by being exposed to and challenged by other cultures can we understand and manage the myriad problems facing humanity. 事实上, 最近尼泊尔发生地震, students who had traveled there with me in 2014 organized a fundraising and awareness campaign that demonstrated this facet of the GO experience at SU admirably.


E -邮件: richard@bhmingliang.com
网络: http://facstaff.bhmingliang.com/r/richard/


  • 1987年,英国爱丁堡大学. Ph.D. 动物学
  • 1981—1982年英国邓迪大学. M.Sc. 分析生物化学
  • 1977—1981年,英国斯特林大学. B.Sc(荣誉). 生物/生物化学辅修


  • 2012年,还是现在. 文理学院副院长. 浩博体育app
  • 2004年,还是现在. 生物学教授. 浩博体育app
  • 2000 -­‐2004. 生物学副教授. 浩博体育app
  • 1993-­‐2000. 生物学助理教授. 浩博体育app
  • 1991-­‐1993. 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校教官
  • 1987—1993年博士后研究助理. 教堂山北卡罗来纳大学
  • 1983-­‐1987 Research Assistant Edinburgh University, UK
  • 1982—1983年英国邓迪大学研究助理


  • 1999/2001/2003/2005/2007/2009/2001/2012/2014/2015. Focus Australia GO项目总监
  • 2013年夏尔巴人生活文化GO项目总监
  • 1999-­‐2012. 澳大利亚的生物问题. 研讨会课程
  • 1994- 2015细胞与有机体生物学. 讲座/实验室
  • 2001—2012运动与极限生理学. 讲座/实验室
  • 2002年至2014年新生研讨会
  • 1998/2000人体生理学讲座/实验室
  • 1994—2011年动物生理学讲座/实验室
  • 1994- 2011细胞生物学,讲座/实验室
  • 1993—2013年本科生科研项目. 导师(75人)
  • 1993年生物学导论,讲师. UNC - CH应承担的
  • 1991—‐93动物生理学. 教练. 教堂山北卡罗来纳大学
  • 1990-­‐93 Undergraduate research projects Co-­‐supervisor. (3)学生. 教堂山北卡罗来纳大学


  • 2009-­‐2012: Speaker of the 教师: 浩博体育app
  • 2009/2012 External reviewer Misericordia 生物学 Department
  • 2001-­‐2007. 主持:浩博体育app生物系
  • 2000-­‐2006. Voting member of 浩博体育app Board of Directors
  • 1996年,还是现在. 多个大学委员会
  • 1994. Panel member: Human and Animal 生物学: Developmental and Reproductive 生物学 study section, NASA生命和生物医学科学与应用
  • 1994- 96美国国立卫生研究院. 热带医学. 研究小组成员:
  • Reviews for Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 昆虫生理学杂志, 欧洲昆虫学杂志, 科学, 美国国家科学院院刊, 昆虫生理学档案, 昆虫分子生物学与生物化学, 遗传学杂志


  • 2002年NIH R15 AREA基金. $127,609. 主要负责人
  • 2001年NSF设备拨款129,552美元. 共同-主要研究者
  • 2000约翰C. Horn Award for distinguished scholarship and service to 浩博体育app
  • 1996年NIH R15 AREA基金. $106,104. 主要负责人
  • 1996年浩博体育app研究基金. $5000. 主要负责人
  • 1994年浩博体育app研究基金. 5000美元首席研究员


蒙次W.R.A. 和理查德·D.S. (1982) Photomechanical movements in the trout retina following brief flashes of light. 视觉研究,22529 - 530.
理查德,维.S.贝蒂,K.A. 和科德克.A. (1983) Toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms from Scottish freshwaters. 环境科学与技术,4,377—382.
理查德,维.S. 桑德斯,维.S. (1986) In vitro activation of prothoracic glands from diapause and non-­‐diapause destined Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Calliphora vicina. 昆虫神经化学与神经生理学. Eds. Borkovec,.B. > D.B. Humana出版社,343- 346页.
理查德,维.S.桑德斯D.S.伊根V. 汤姆森,R.C.K. (1986) The timing of larval wandering and puparium formation in the flesh-­‐fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma. 昆虫学报,11,53- 60.*
理查德,维.S.沃伦,我.T.桑德斯D.S. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1987) Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres in diapause and non-­‐diapause destined larvae and pupae of Sarcophaga argyrostoma. J. 昆虫生理学,33,115- 122.
理查德,维.S. 桑德斯,维.S. (1987) Prothoracic gland function in diapause and non-­‐diapause destined Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Calliphora vicina. J. 昆虫生理学,33,385—392.
桑德斯,D.S.肯尼,N.A.P. 和理查德·D.S. (1988) The blowfly, Calliphora vicina: Some problems in photoperiodism and diapause endocrinology. In, Endocrinological Frontiers in Physiological Insect Ecology. Eds. Sehnal F.Zabza,. Denlinger,维.L. 弗罗茨瓦夫技术大学出版社,弗罗茨瓦夫. pp, 293-­‐308.
理查德,维.S.Applebaum,年代.W.纵割机T.J.贝克F.C.D,斯库利.A.路透社C.C. 亨利克先生,V.C. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1989) Juvenile hormone biosynthesis in vitro by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster: A putative new juvenile hormone in the higher Diptera. 美国国家科学院院刊. 86, 1421-­‐1425
理查德,维.S.Applebaum,年代.W. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1989) Developmental regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster. J. 比较生理学B. 159,383-­‐387.
理查德,维.S.Applebaum,年代.W. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1990) Allatostatic regulation of juvenile hormone production in vitro by ring glands of Drosophila melanogaster. 分子与细胞内分泌学. 68, 153-­‐161.
Altaratz, M.西格尔,维.理查德·D.S.吉尔伯特L.I. Applebaum,年代.W. (1990) Juvenile hormone production by wild type and apterous4 mutant Drosophila melanogaster corpora allata in vitro. 《浩博体育app》,1989. Eds. A.B. 博尔科维奇和E.P. Masler. 人类出版社,333—‐336页.
桑德斯,D.S.理查德·D.S. Applebaum,年代.W.妈,米. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1990) Photoperiodic diapause in Drosophila melanogaster: A block to the juvenile hormone regulation of ovarian maturation. 普通与比较内分泌学. 79,174-­‐184.
贝克,F.C.路透社C.C.蔡,我.W.有斑纹的P.A.理查德·D.S.托比,年代.S. D和斯库利.A. (1990) Use of microderviatization techniques in combination with thin-­‐layer chromatography, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-­‐mass spectrometry for investigation of juvenile hormones and related compounds. In, Chromatography and isolation of insect hormones and pheromones. Eds. McCaffery,.R. 威尔逊,我.D. 全会出版社,纽约,第19—‐30页.
Altaratz, M.西格尔,维.理查德·D.S.吉尔伯特L.I. Applebaum,年代.W. (1991) Regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-­‐type and apterous mutant Drosophila. 分子与细胞内分泌学. 81,205-­‐216.
理查德,维.S. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1991) Reversible juvenile hormone inhibition of ecdysteroid and juvenile hormone synthesis by the ring gland of Drosophila melanogaster. Experientia. 47,1063-­‐1066.
吉尔伯特,L.I. 和理查德·D.S. (1991)黑腹果蝇的幼年激素. Am. 化学. Soc. 腹肌tr. 人民行动党. 202, 1-­‐2.
西格尔,维.Altaratz,米.理查德·D.S.吉尔伯特L.I. Applebaum,年代.W. (1991) Developmental regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-­‐type and apterous mutant Drosophila melanogaster. Phytoparasitica, 19岁,4. 333-­‐334
纵割机,T.J.沃伦,我.L.理查德·D.S. 吉尔伯特,L.I. (1992) A new Drosophila mutant with novel effects on ecdysteroid-­‐regulated development. 腹肌. ecdyone Workshop. p71.
肯尼,N.A.P.理查德·D.S.布拉德利,H.K. 桑德斯,维.S. (1992) Photoperiodic sensitivity and diapause induction during ovarian, embryonic and larval development of the flesh fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma. 生物科学杂志.
理查德,维.S. Arnim,.E. 吉尔伯特,L。.I. * (1993) A reappraisal of the hormonal regulation of larval fat body histolysis in female Drosophila melanogaster. Experientia. 49,150-­‐156. *
理查德,维.S.沃特金斯,N.L.塞拉芬,R.B.和吉尔伯特·L.I. (1998) Ecdysteroids regulate yolk protein uptake by Drosophila melanogaster oocytes. 昆虫生理学杂志. 44,637-­‐644*
理查德,维.S.吉尔伯特,米.床,B. Hollinshead D.M. Schelble,年代. Scheswohl,维. (2001) Yolk protein endocytosis by oocytes in Drosophila melanogaster: immunofluorescent localization of clathrin, 适应蛋白和蛋黄蛋白受体. 昆虫生理学杂志. 47/7,715-­‐723.
大卫·S·理查德.詹妮弗·M. 迈克尔·琼斯. 《浩博体育app网站》,史黛西·瑟鲁拉,J. Paul Detweiler, Stephen J. 达纳·费雪. 布兰尼根,丹妮尔. Scheswohl. (2001) Vitellogenesis in diapausing and mutant Drosophila melanogaster; further evidence for the relative roles of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones. 昆虫生理学杂志. 47/8,905-­‐913.
理查德,维.S.Rybczynski, R.威尔逊,T。.G.王,Y.韦恩,米.L.周,Y.Kroll T.R.鹧鸪,L. L Harshman表示,.G. (2005) Insulin signaling is necessary for vitellogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster irrespective of the roles of juvenile hormone and ecdysteroids.. 昆虫生理学杂志. 51/4 455-­‐464.
理查德,维.S. (2012)喜马拉雅山上的金丝雀. 《浩博体育app网站》客座博客. 2012年1月20日. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-­‐blog/2012/01/20/the-­‐canary-­‐in-­‐the-­‐himalayas/
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