
浩博体育app认为,一个有效的团体, 组织, 我们的团队是在社会和道德责任的氛围中培养出来的, respect for duly constituted authority and loyalty to the principles of higher education and does not tolerate hazing. 任何学生, Alumni, 学生团体, 或者包括大学Athletics在内的学生组织被发现对欺侮负有责任, 而被欺侮, 或者在这个政策下的组织欺凌, 无论是发生在校内还是校外, 可能面临来自浩博体育app的纪律处分, 根据州法律,他还可能面临刑事指控, 包括Timothy J。. 广场反雾法,18Pa. C.S. 2801,等序列.


The purpose of this policy is to state 浩博体育app’s Anti-被欺侮政策; identify how 浩博体育app will enforce this policy; and identify resources for reporting violations of this policy.


所有参加的个别学生, 已经被录取, 已申请参加, 或者Visit浩博体育app的潜在学生和运动员新兵, 学生组织包括兄弟会/姐妹会, 协会, 公司, 订单, 社会, 队, 俱乐部或服务, 大学生体育, 未成年人组成的社会或类似团体, 学生, 或是某个组织或浩博体育app的Alumni. 除了, this policy applies to university officials and any other persons associated with an 组织.


这项政策适用于任何欺侮行为, 而被欺侮, 或者发生在校园内外的组织欺凌, 包括往返于公司的旅行, 运动, 或者大学赞助的旅行.


浩博体育app坚持蒂莫西J. 广场反雾霾法. Timothy J. 《浩博体育app》对欺侮行为的定义包括, 而被欺侮, 组织欺凌. 被欺侮, 而被欺侮, 和组织性欺侮(定义见下文)均为本政策所禁止的. It shall not be a defense that the consent of a minor or student was sought or obtained. It is also not a defense that the conduct was sanctioned or approved by the 组织.

使苦恼: 如果一个人是故意的,他就犯了欺侮罪, 故意, 或鲁莽, 为了启动的目的, 允许未成年人或学生加入或加入一个组织的, or for the purpose of continuing or enhancing a minor or student’s membership or status in an 组织, 原因, 胁迫或强迫未成年人或学生做以下第(1)-(6)项中的任何一项. 欺侮不应包括合理的和惯常的运动员, 执法或军事训练, 竞赛, 比赛或活动.

  1. 违反联邦或州刑法;
  2. 吃任何食物, 液体, 含酒精的液体, drug or other substance which subjects a student to a risk of emotional or physical harm;
  3. 忍受身体上的残酷, 包括鞭打, 打, 品牌, 健美操或暴露在自然环境中;
  4. 忍受精神上的残酷, including activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, 睡眠不足, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme 尴尬;
  5. 忍受性的残暴;
  6. Endure any other activity that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to the minor or student.

加剧使苦恼: A person commits the offense of 而被欺侮 if the person commits a violation of 被欺侮 that results in serious bodily injury or death to the minor or student; and

  1. The person acts with reckless indifference to the health and safety of the minor or student; or
  2. 这个人导致, 强制, 或强迫未成年人或学生饮用含酒精的液体或毒品.

组织使苦恼: An 组织 commits the offence of Organization 被欺侮 if the 组织 intentionally 故意, 或肆无忌惮地促进或协助违反欺凌或加重欺凌行为.

除了 to 被欺侮, 而被欺侮, 组织欺凌 as defined by the Timothy J. 广场反雾霾法, the following actions taken or situations created on or off 浩博体育app campus grounds; by a student, Alumni, 学生团体, or student 组织 including 大学生体育; that endanger another person(s)’ mental or physical health or safety, 或产生精神或身体上的不适, 尴尬, harassment or ridicule; with or without consent; as an explicit or implicit condition for initiating, 承认, or for the purpose of continuing of enhancing a student’s membership or status in an 组织 are prohibited.

个人违反了反欺侮政策,如果他们造成, 强迫, 或者强迫学生做以下任何一件事:

  1. 违反浩博体育app学生行为准则,性行为不端 & 性别暴力政策, 学术诚信准则, 学生组织政策, or any other regulations and policies of 浩博体育app as outlined in the 学生 Handbook;
  2. 忍受可能在道德上冒犯或羞辱的活动, 包括奴役的任务, 恶作剧, 公共表演, 任务或寻宝游戏, 对其他组织的骚扰, 在公共场合穿着引人注目且通常没有品位的服装, 与天气状况不一致的着装, or activities that might interfere with scholastic activities and participation in other university events
  3. 忍受令人生畏或充满敌意的环境, 无论是直接还是间接, 通过社交媒体, 由学生尝试创建, 学生小组, or student 组织 to interfere with a person(s)’ ability to function in the academic or residential setting, or to subject a person(s) to unwanted and unsolicited attention in accordance with the judgement of university officials.


“酒精液体”:含有液体的物质, 精神, 酒, 啤酒, 麦芽或酿造饮料或其任何组合.

“身体伤害”: 疼痛:身体状况的损害或剧烈的疼痛.

“药物”(1)美国药典官方认可的物质, or official National Formulary or any supplement to either of them; and (ii) substances intended for use in the diagnosis, 治愈, 缓解, treatment or prevention of disease in man or other animals; and (iii) substances (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the human body or other animal body; and (iv) substances intended for use as a component of any article specified in clause (I), (ii)或(iii), 但不包括设备或其组件, 零件或附件.

“学生小组”一群相互联系的人, but who have neither complied with University requirements for registration as an 组织 nor have a specific membership or team identity.


组织” or “学生组织”: 兄弟会/女学生联谊会, 协会, 公司, 订单, 社会, 队, 俱乐部或服务, 大学生体育, 未成年人组成的社会或类似团体, 学生, 或是某个组织或浩博体育app的Alumni

“严重身体伤害”: 造成重大死亡危险的身体伤害或造成严重的, 永久性的缺陷, 或任何身体成员或器官功能的长期丧失或损害.

“学生”:所有参加的个别学生, 已经被录取, 已申请参加, 或者Visit浩博体育app的潜在学生和运动员新兵.

“大学官方”: any individual who is employed by 浩博体育app as a professional administrator, 教员, 工作人员, 或学生员工,其中可能包括指定的学生员工.


浩博体育app encourages all members of the Susquehanna community who believed that they have witnessed, 经历或意识到构成欺侮的行为, 冲积被欺侮, or Organizational 被欺侮 in violation of this Policy to report the concern directly to the Office of Leadership & engage,负责学生生活的副校长 & 教务长, 体育副主任, 校园安全 or by submitting a 被欺侮 Concern Form found on the 学生 Life mySU page.


Any violation of this Policy shall be deemed a violation of 浩博体育app’s 学生 Code of Conduct and applicable laws. 都是欺侮的指控, 而被欺侮, or Organizational 被欺侮 will be investigated by 浩博体育app 校园安全.


Anyone found responsible for violating this Policy may face disciplinary action including expulsion from 浩博体育app. 除了描述大学的行为流程, 制裁的大纲可以在浩博体育app学生手册中找到. 制裁 as a result of a violation of this policy are in addition criminal charges under state law, 包括Timothy J。. 广场反雾法,18Pa. C.S. 2801,等序列.


An outline of the 浩博体育app 医疗特赦政策 as it relates alcohol and drug- related medical emergencies and 学生 and 组织s can be found in the 浩博体育app 学生 Handbook. 学生 组织s are requested to seek immediate medical assistance for their members or guests when any potential health risk is observed, 包括与使用酒精和/或药物有关的医疗紧急情况. 各组织在任何紧急情况下寻求援助是至关重要的.


浩博体育app will maintain a report of all violations of this Policy or of Federal or State laws related to hazing that are reported to 浩博体育app. 浩博体育app will update the report biannually on January 1 and August 1 and will post the updated report on 浩博体育app’s publicly accessible website.